Thursday, October 29, 2009


"Neeeiiiigh, Neeeiiiigh, Thump, Thump, Thump...." "That donkey is so frightened by all the wailing that is coming from the ghouls, ghosts and witches that are flying around the train that he has almost kicked the baggage car door off." "Can't you quieten him down, he is giving me a headache and my wife won't thank you for that". The conductor stomped down the compartment towards the baggage car and as he passed between the two, "Whooosh!" one of the witches came swooping down, in for the kill and tried to grab him. Unfortunately she had only just gotten her Learner's Licence and "smack" she crash landed on the roof. The conductor quickly jumped inside and radioed ahead to the next station, "Hurry, get all the lights on. Make it as bright as you can" "We are being plagued by witches, bats, ghosts and ghouls. One of them nearly got me." We can't stop long - (just long enough to fatten someone up as a sacrifice - Hee hee hee)

The train pulled into the station. All the lights were blazing and the conductor said "Quick stop - ladies that way, gents that way. Mind how you go now and hurry back. Pick up your gifts, don't step on a crack and take a biiiig jump into the train. The dark forces are with us and we need to get moving again" With that said, the train pulled slowly out of the station two minutes later and headed for the next station.

Surprise Gift:

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